These tortilla shells are made from sliced ​​tortilla biscuits, fried, crunchy and topped with cinnamon sugar. It only takes about 20 seconds to make and can be made days ahead of schedule.
I made homemade filling but you can definitely use canned filling to make it quick! If you are having a party, you can keep the stuffing warm in a small slow saucepan with the shells next to it and people can fill it as they like or put a small muffin upside down and cover it with a nice cloth napkin as a stand (this is what I used in the pictures above, it worked perfectly! )
* Ingredients :
° Peeled and sliced ​​apples° ½ c sugar° 2 teaspoons cinnamon° ½ teaspoon nutmeg° C water° Tortilla (flour) size 6° Oil (for frying the tortilla)° 1/2 cup of sugar and cinnamon mixture° whipped cream
* Instructions :
Put the apples, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and water in a frying pan and stir until well combined, cover and simmer over medium heat with frequent stirring for 10 minutes or until the apples are almost tender. If necessary, thicken the sauce using 1 teaspoon of cornstarch to 3-4 milliliters of water.
Mix with the sauce and stir until thickened, heat the oil over medium heat in a frying pan and hold the tortilla folded in half, place the bottom on the tortilla in the oil for a few seconds. Then place it on one side until it turns brown and then place it on the other side until it turns brown. Remove from the oil and sprinkle the brown tortilla with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon.
Fill taco shells with apple pie filling, cover with whipped cream, and sprinkle some sugar and cinnamon mixture on top.
Enjoy !