Spam a la mexicana : Spam mexican style


Half of spam
Onions as much as you’d like to add.
2 tomatoes
2 serrano
Half tablespoon of chicken bouillon
Less than half a cup of water


cut spam into little squares , cut some onions into Juliana , take to pan and fry until spam looks fried and onion start to get translucent, than slice the Serrano and cut tomatoes into cubes and add to spam. When you see the tomato is now soft, add enough water to cover the spam. Leave on medium high for 10 mins stir occasionally and done.
1 cup rice
2 water .
Wash rice and add 2 cups of water and tablespoon of salt and pinch of oil ( you can use your oil cap)
Put on mwdium high until water is absorbed, than stir it and move heat to low and cover an stir occasionally until rice is soft.
I like to serve it on a bed of white rice.
Enjoy !!

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