Fill your stock pot halfway with water (4-6 quarts)
1 large piloncillo (or brown sugar, I used both)
3-4 cinnamon sticks
4-5 sugar canes (chopped if you prefer)
1 cup Jamaica
1-2 tamarindo pods peeled
1/2 jar of tejocote (or 1lb fresh)
1/2 jar guavas (or 1/2lb fresh)
2 pears cut up
2 apples cut up.
1/2 cup prunes chopped
1 cup raisins
Boil water with cinnamon sticks and piloncillo for 15-20 minutes. Then add all of the chopped fruits and sugar canes to the water. Bring heat to a simmer. Put your tamarindo pods and Jamaica in a cheese cloth or tea bag and put it in with the rest of the ingredients. Add brown sugar (optional) to YOUR liking! Let simmer for 1 hour and enjoy. 

(You can add as much cinnamon, fruits, brown sugar, sugar canes, Jamaica or tamarind as you want. It’s all up to YOU and your liking! )
Enjoy !!