Shredded chicken mixed with cream cheese, italian sauce mixture and creamy chicken wrapped in buttery Crescent dough!These delicious crescent-shaped chicken bags have become a favorite of the whole family.This is one of the best recipes for Pillsbury Crescent Roll dinner.When I’m in trouble, the canned batter comes in handy, and I can make light meals like pork on the blanket or spinach muffins!
* ingredients :
° 2 8 oz Pillsbury Crescent roll dough° 2 cans of cream of chicken soup° 8 oz pkg soft cream cheese° 2-3 c cooked chicken° 1 can Italian seasoning mix (or 3 TB)° 2-4 chopped green onions
* Methods :
Heat oven 375 degrees.Put the cream cheese and soup pot in a medium saucepan and stir over medium heat.Adding spice mixture also stirring to smooth. Reduce the heat to a low temperature.Pour most of the mixture into a large bowl and set aside enough amount in the pan as broth to spread on the chicken nuggets.Stir the chicken and shallots in a large bowl. Sit aside.Roll the dough into a crescent shape and place the triangle on the baking sheet.Pour a tablespoon of chicken mixture on the crescent batter and roll it up (fold the left and right sides, then roll into a long tip).Bake in the oven for 912 minutes.If you want, you can eat it while it is hot, and then add the remaining beef broth.
Enjoy !