How to Make Gorditas

Making your own Mexican gorditas at home is super easy ! These baby corn cakes made with masa dough have a small pocket in the middle for all sorts of delicious fillings ! 
Say hello to the Mexican gorditas! No, this is not like the cream cheese taco bell you may have watched. This is a real, original, and homemade gordita just like my mom taught me to make it!
What are GORDITAS ?
Basically, gorditas are a thick corn tortilla with a pocket in the middle made for filling delicious Mexican fillings. Preferably on the warm side if you ask me. Some common fillers include:
+Beans and cheese+Chili Verde (lean pork in a green chili sauce)+chorizo ​​and eggs+Piccadillo (beef and potato mixture)+Papas con chili (soft potato cubes cooked in green chili sauce)
The possibilities are endless. For the filling shown in these photos, I used some of the Mexican barbacoa beef that I had left in the fridge. The results were delicious.
* Ingredients:
° 3 cups flour
° 1 teaspoon salt
° 1 teaspoon baking powder
° 1/2 cup lard or fat
° 1 cup hot faucet
* Directions :
Mix the first three ingredients, then add lard, mix well, then add water little by little to form a nice paste.
Knead 5 to 10 minutes to make large balls you made 8 and leave for 15 minutes, covered. Grind thick and cook over medium-high heat in komal.

Let it cool slightly and slice the top of the gordita to form a pocket. Fill up with your favorite fillings.
Enjoy !